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Sold Saris C3C Tri Axle 3.5T Tilt Trailer - Hampshire
GVW 3500Tri Axle for better handling
Steel Springs and Shock Absorbers
Length of Bed 5.0 meters, Width of Bed 2.2 meters, Height 2.1
Comes with load restraint planks / side boards.
The entire sides and roof can be removed to create a very large flatbed trailer.
The tilt cover is similar to a curtain side trailer, however the roof and walls are joined. You can see by the photos that the walls can be rolled up using a handle. Which makes the trailer easy to load from any direction.
The Tilt cover has a system to roll up the covers giving side access as well as from the back.
The trailer comes with load restraining planks.
Can carry 2200kg with Tilt fitted or if removed 2325kg
We think (not 100% sure) the trailer is model PL 506 224 3500 3HD
The cost today is
Base price € 8,979.41
High vinyl cover (200 cm, light grey) € 2,577.30
Leaf springs (shock absorbers included) € 681.23
Total incl. VAT € 12,237.94
€ 12,237.94 = £10,500 +-
SARIS PL 506 224 3500 3 HD
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Delivery notes
Located Bordon, East Hants.Can be delivered price to be agreed