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Catering equipment for sale

Sold Rational iVario Pro XL P - London


Large quantities. Within a short time. Without using tilting pans, boilers and pressure cookers. This is only possible with an iVario XL. Because they replace a lot of conventional kitchen appliances. They are up to 4 times faster. And need up to 40 % less energy.

The tilting pan, boiler and pressure cooker reinterpreted.

150 litres effective volume
100-500 meals per day
60 dm2 cooking surface
Intuitive operating concept
Effective energy management
Desired result without monitoring
Pressure cooking (optional)
Division of pan base into four zones

Boiling, frying and deep-frying made easy.

The control centre of the iVario Pro.

Sensors in the pan base recognise the load quantity, the condition and size of the food, and automatically adjust the cooking process. Every time. If you do need to turn, add liquid or take food out, the iVario will let you know.

If you wish, you can divide the pan base into up to four zones. And prepare different foods, at different temperatures and at different times.

Delivery notes

Located London

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: Rational (151)
Model: iVario Pro XL