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Trantec Wireless

Making sense of sound

For nearly thirty years Trantec have specialised in producing high quality wireless microphones, beltpacks and in ear monitors.

Our wide product range, as well as versatile accessories, ensures that we can cater for the most challenging audio demands, at almost any budget within the broadcast, film, music, school, house of worship and theatre industries.

Now owned by TOA, Trantec continues to advance by investing in our own research and development to ensure that our product range maintains its innovative, market leading position.

For over a quarter of a century TOA has been committed to developing vocal and speech radio products to the highest specification at the cutting edge of technology.

We are proud to have become synonymous with high quality and reliability.
Trantec Wireless
The Trantec S4.04 Handheld and Radio Microphone system
Reliable and user-friendly wireless audio solution
Perfect for professional and casual users alike.

£100 inc. VAT ono

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